Window Farm

This project started in late winter (feb/march 2016) when my partner and I came across Windowfarms started by Britta Riley in Brooklyn, New York (2010). Like Britta, we had the desire to grow our own food but living in an apartment without a yard makes that difficult.

Hydroponics are a way of growing plants in water (or clay, gravel, sand, coco coir, ect.) with added nutrients, instead of using soil, which makes it ideal for indoor growing. Our system is the same idea as Britta’s but tweaked to fit our available supplies and location. For more information on how it works and any general questions, go to the website or ask myself.

All the plants in our window farm we started from seed (April 2016) and have learned a lot since, with mistakes and success along the way. Currently the two plants (second left column) that have taken over that window are the Cucamelons. They grow in a ivy-like vine, bloom yellow flowers then grow grape sized looking watermelons that taste like cucumber and lime. We haven’t tried them yet, but the plant itself looks beautiful and we should be tasting our first ones within the month.

Since April we’ve expanded our hydroponic gardening beyond the windowfarm method and its been exciting to learn and grow my first garden. I’ll talk more about that later, for now here’s just an introduction.